Manfred Uhlitz as Spreekahn ferryman, summer 2023

On a bike tour through Berlin: US Ambassador Amy Gutmann, her husband Michael W. Doyle and Manfred Uhlitz on the Olympic Bell Tower, May 27, 2023

The Governing Mayor Kai Wegner, Ariturel Hack MdA and Manfred Uhlitz during a tour of the Olympic bell tower

Michael Müller, Klaus Wowereit and Manfred Uhlitz

Manfred Uhlitz & Lord Mayor Franziska Giffey

Photos: Raj & Neil

Photos: Raj & Neil

Photos: Raj & Neil

Photos: Raj & Neil

Photos: Raj & Neil

On tour with the Bundeswehr hospital from Ulm

On tour with the Bundeswehr hospital from Ulm

Production of a Podcast, September 2021

Clayton, Manfred, John & Daimler in Potsdam, August 2021

Dr. Manfred Uhlitz and Ambassador Wepke Kingma on 25 June 2020 at the Dutch Embassy

Guided tour by the Governing Mayor of Berlin, Klaus Wowereit, with seniors from Berlin accompanied by Manfred Uhlitz, 17 August 2011

Guided tour by the Governing Mayor of Berlin, Klaus Wowereit, with seniors from Berlin accompanied by Manfred Uhlitz, 17 August 2011

Guided tour by the Governing Mayor of Berlin, Klaus Wowereit, with seniors from Berlin accompanied by Manfred Uhlitz, 17 August 2011

Guided tour by the Governing Mayor of Berlin, Klaus Wowereit, with seniors from Berlin accompanied by Manfred Uhlitz, 17 August 2011

Guided tour by the Governing Mayor of Berlin, Klaus Wowereit, with seniors from Berlin accompanied by Manfred Uhlitz, 17 August 2011

Guided tour by the Governing Mayor of Berlin, Klaus Wowereit, with seniors from Berlin accompanied by Manfred Uhlitz, 17 August 2011

Guided tour by the Governing Mayor of Berlin, Klaus Wowereit, with seniors from Berlin accompanied by Manfred Uhlitz, 17 August 2011

Eulogy for a memorial plaque inauguration Unter den Linden corner Charlottenstraße

Manfred Uhlitz, appearance as E.T.A. Hoffmann

Candy Bomber pilot Gail Halvorsen and Manfred Uhlitz

Visitor group with Manfred Uhlitz in the Town Hall

Klaus Wowereit, former Governing Mayor, and Manfred Uhlitz on the bell tower at the Olympiastadion

Lecture in the Town Hall

Visitor group with Manfred Uhlitz at Checkpoint Charlie

Visitor group with Manfred Uhlitz on the bell tower at the Olympic stadion

Welcoming speech by Manfred Uhlitz on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Association for the History of Berlin on January 28, 2015 in the Nicolaikirche

Manfred Uhlitz & friend at Spindler & Klatt

Berlins Governing Mayor Michael Müller and Manfred Uhlitz

Manfred Uhlitz on the olympic Bell Tower

Manfred Uhlitz, Désirée Nick, Walter Momper